January 04, 2004

My NYC Plans

*I don't have a list of resolutions for 2004. With that said, one of my resolutions for
2004 is to make this blog more NYCentric for people looking to read about life in the "Big Apple".

Today is Sunday, January 4th 2004. Today is my last day off after a nice string of days off. I'm partially glad and partially sad about this. I miss the daily structure of my job and feel a lot more organized when I'm working within the structure of a larger organization. I'm sad because as much as I miss that structure, who wants to go back to work?

I plan on being on the Upper West Side of Manhattan today to spend my last day off with my nice boyfriend.

Being that I wake up with a voracious appetite for food and for life every morning, first item on the list of things to do will be to get breakfast. There are several places I'd like to go: Gabriellas, Cafe con Leche, or Metro Diner. I'm going to lobby hard for Cafe con Leche. That place is awesome!!!!

There is actually a plan in place. The plan is to see the movie "Spellbound" at Symphony Space on the Upper West Side. I'm not sure when we're going to see that because someone (who shall remain nameless) is still sleeping, but that is the plan.

I was hoping to throw in a big, sloppy and tiring walk around Central Park. J lives so close and it would be such a shame not to go. That would also fulfill one of the obligations from the Resolutions List I didn't make. That resolution would not be to exercise more and lose weight.
(okay, yes - it would be from my list)
(no - not really, there isn't a list)
(okay, you got me-yes)
(no - i was just kidding, there is no list of resolutions for 2004.)
(Yes - THERE IS!!!).

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