January 12, 2004

Le Weekend.

Friday night. Stayed in. Too tired.

Saturday day, went food shopping, cleaned up, got ready.

Saturday night. Before Rififi had delicious Japanese food at Tokyo Lamen. Really delicious. Was joined by Jon and Dawn. Walked from restaurant to bar. Breathing was difficult due to cold. Stayed out late, even danced. Weather was cold.

Sunday. Cooked. Went for incredibly long walk with Jon. Ate. Played Scrabble. Shot pool. Weather was warmer but still cold. Weekend well spent.

Started Monday off great. Weather warmer still. Work going well. Ate lunch. Work going well. Walked to bank for boss. Somehow became ill on walk. Stomach bug? Hopefully, just passing through. Went home early. Sick. Rode subway home. Got home just in nick of time. Rested for several hours. Just getting up. Still feeling queazy. Will feel better tomorrow.

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