October 01, 2003

The Year of Yes

Every year my birthday falls around the Jewish New Year. I always think of it as a good time to make resolutions or make different choices or what have you. Those of you who know me well, know that I have not had a good year or couple of years for that matter.

Well, this year feels different. I feel different. I've made an important decision.

This is going to be the year of yes. I'm saying yes to life, to invitations, to supporting my friends with their projects, to trying new things, to dating new people or any people for that matter, for making art, for making new friends, for living my life, for saying yes.

I'm living in the moment, for the moment and I'm open and ready for my destiny and life's little surprises, good or bad.

And yes, as if you had to ask, I will be wearing pants plus the occasional skirt or dress, when I say yes.

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