October 15, 2003

Tuesday Night Trivia - update

Last night at Tuesday Night Trivia, my team, Siamese Kittens (named for the twins who were successfully separated this week) came in last.

The evening was expertly hosted by Caren and Rich Appel.

Here are the categories my team had trouble with. All of them, basically...

Rich led the first round with general knowledge questions with answers that varied from the Powerpuff Girls to Ross Perot. Our team tanked on that round.

Caren then led the second round with current events questions. We did alright on that.

Then Caren gave us the assignment of listing the 2nd to 11th presidents of the United States in ascending order for the top 10 list. We did alright but not great. I could have sworn Benjamin Franklin was a President.

Rich then took over for the audio and visual rounds. The audio round were the top Z-100 hits, this week in 1988. We did so/so on that. Then he provided us pictures of really bad cars from the '70's and the '80's. I think it was in that round that we were able to achieve the honor of winning last place.

We did win some great prizes. Sandy took home a great Bass Ale T-shirt, I took home the Heineken fishing hat and the Heineken key chain is going to our other two team mates that I'm not sure want to be listed publicly.

As discouraging as it is to lose, I still had such a good time that I'm going to try again tonight at Dempsey's pub on 2nd Avenue and 4th Street. Hopefully, you'll come down for that. It's hosted by my friend Janet and "THINKING AND DRINKING" is just as much fun as Tuesday Night Trivia. It starts at 7:30 so hopefully I'll see you there.

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