August 26, 2005

Morning Walk - Captured Moments

I took a lot of pictures yesterday during my walk. My company is building a new website and I was trying to capture some of the hustle and bustle of New York. Here are some of the pictures that didn't make the cut. Well, most of them didn't but anyway. . . .

I mostly walked down Park Avenue. I got stuck walking behind these two guys. For some reason I couldn't get past them so I decided to make the best of it - by photographing their backsides. I liked this shot of their feet the best.

For the first time yesterday, I started to really pay attention to what's going on on Park Avenue. I had a job once in a great building on 46th and Park and used to know it pretty well, but it's been a while. The corporate art has changed quite a bit and is starting to get a little weird as you can see below. The Haring sculptures aren't that bad - I mean they are colorful and fun, but I think they are definitely out of context. They don't fit in with their surroundings although they do brighten up the Lever House quite a bit. This other piece - I was so distracted by it, I can't even tell you what building is hosting this large and creepy piece of sculpture of a half flayed pregnant woman.
Lever House Haringweird sculpture

Above the Met Life building (formerly the Pan Am building for those of you over 35 years of age that might remember the time when the airlines ruled the business world) Park Avenue is beautiful, below Park - don't even bother. If you come to New York, your visit should include a nice walk up Park Avenue starting at the Helmsley actually. This building at East 49th put flower pots on every lamp post. It's beautiful and adds quality to a normally stressful business commute.
Park Flowers

And Grand Central - it's a just a beautiful old building. Arches are predominant in the architecture giving the eye a break from the hard, rectangular buildings of the city. Also the height ceilings and marble walls not only make it cooler than the hot summer air around it, but also create a sense of space, seriously lacking in NYC. Space is a costly luxury here.
grand centralgrand central 2

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