May 31, 2005

Deep Throat - Not A Woman

Deep Throat finally came out of the closet and not a moment too soon. I saw footage on Channel 2 of W. Mark Felt waving at reporters from inside his front door. He looks like he could expire any moment. This guy is old, really most sincerely old. He kept his identity a secret for over 30 years. That's remarkable. I am probably the only one of my current friends old enough to remember when Nixon was President, barely. My memories start coming clearly into focus around Ford, but that's neither here nor there. My understanding of Watergate is that the coverup was the scandal. What was covered up wasn't necessarily so bad. The scandal was complicated and resulted in the impeachment of a President who was a big fan of McCartheyism. Nixon wasn't cupcake but he wasn't such a bad guy either. It's important to remember that all politicians are crooked and probably all have some kind of Watergate like scandal in their closet. The trick is that their closets are locked a little tighter and are better guarded.

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