August 09, 2006

Monday Morning Dream

Sunday Jon and I visited my nephew who had been sick all week with the Coxsackie Virus. My brother and sister-in-law, Jon and I enjoyed the pleasant Sunday visit while my 2 1/2 year old nephew made us laugh most of the afternoon. Sunday night we stayed at my parent's house, with the goal of going to the beach on Monday which we did and enjoyed in spite of some spots of sunburn.
In the wee hours of Monday morning I had the strangest dream. As soon as I woke up I scribbled down some notes in my trustee journal. What do you think it means?

Part I
G-d lives upstairs in an apartment connected by a stair case. Also present are Death and two other angels. I live in a combination apartment/store of some sort.

My dog is an angel also. Todd Bridges is my friend.

My friend Dave's friend Joanna is a spunky spirit that keeps coming back from death as a good person that helps others. I am Joanna in a flashback and I see myself as a female medic walking into heaven with an army medical team.

Part II
I come home and death is in my apartment preparing for a battle with God and the two other angels. He leaves a black duffel bag on the floor. A delivery comes for the store and deliveryman accidentally moves the bag to where I can't see it. Then a man walks down the stairs. He says he is a doctor and he's checking on my neighbor who as wells as God is also James Cromwell dressed in a white suit with a white shirt and white tie. The doctor says he is my neighbor's son.

I tell him that his father thinks he is God and that he shouldn't leave him alone because I think he's going to kill himself and others because of the final confrontation. Then I ask him if he's seen Death's black duffel bag on his way in.

Part III
Then all of a sudden, it's a few hours later and I'm returning home from I'm not sure where. I decide to sit in my car and watch TV because instead of a front window there is a TV in it's place. I watch TV trying to make sense of what is happening.

Todd Bridges knocks on my window. I invite him into the car to watch TV with me and start explaining the bizarre circumstances of the day. He thinks I need a change of pace, so he gets in the front seat and starts driving me around Hollywood. The TV disappears. I remember being impressed by his sobriety and I felt safe with him. We drive by the MAD TV studios and a young woman is handing out cards promoting a show starring Will Sasso. The girls opens the driver's door, squeezes into the back seat and then exits through the back door.

Todd B and I are now walking toward my store/house and I am thinking to myself that this doesn't make any sense. Who was this Death guy and why did he seem familiar to me in my flashback?

As we approach the house, I see dog floating in the outline of a Japanese dog statue with wings. It is my German Shepherd and he is an angel. When he lands on the sidewalk, he trots out as just a dog and I feel safe and protected when I pet him.

There are two strange gargoyle like creatures on the street and I realize they are the corporeal forms of the two other angels. They are blocking traffic, keeping it off my street.

I start putting the puzzle together. The doctor is my neighbor's son, the devil, and he has somehow incapacitated God. I start to feel scared as I remember feeling like death was coming for me and the final confrontation was for me soul. God was there to take me when death finished me and I'm not sure about the other 2 angels.

I woke up.

And the longer I stayed I awake, the more the dream faded.

I woke up on my back. I had kicked off the covers and had really bad heart burn.

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