October 13, 2004

Debate three

Who said what? Can you identify which candidate said which of the following?
  1. . . . outsourced the job to Afghan warlords . . .
  2. . . . if you're younger and healthy, don't get a flu shot . . .
  3. . . . 82,000 Arizonians lost their health insurance under this President's watch . . .
  4. . . . I have a plan to cover all Americans . . .
  5. . . . a plan is not a litany of complaints. . .
  6. . . . by reinstating what President Bush took away, which is Pay as You Go . . .
  7. . . . he voted to increase taxes 98 times. . . a tax on every small business owner in America
  8. . . . here's some help for you to go to a community college . . .
  9. . . . education is how to help the person who lost his job . . .
  10. . . . I want you to notice how the President switched the discussion away from jobs to education. . .
  11. . . . like Tony Soprano talking to us about . . .
  12. . . . the fact is he cut job training money . . . he cut the Pell Grants . . . not extending unemployment benefits
  13. . . . I don't want Americans subsidizing the loss of their own jobs . . .
  14. . . . Whew!! Let me start with the Pell Grants. . .
  15. . . . he voted to increase taxes 98 times . . .he voted against tax cuts 126 times. . .
  16. . . . more people qualify for [Pell Grants] because less people have money . . .
  17. . . . your record is such that Ted Kennedy is the liberal senator from Massachusetts
  18. . . . Mr. President, do you think homosexuality is a choice? . . .
  19. . . . defined marriage as between a man and a woman. . . .it shouldn't be up to the courts to decide
  20. . . . we're all Gods children Bob and I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, she would tell us she's being who she is . . . it's not choice. . . that's why I'm for partnership rights . . .
  21. . . . I believe that I can't transfer to another American citizen an article of faith . . . it's between a woman, God and her doctor . . . faith without works is dead . . .
  22. . . . I think it's important to promote a culture of life . . . it's a brutal practice . . .my opponent voted against that law . . . fund maternity group homes . . .
  23. . . . consumers are not involved in the decision making process . . . I know that the lawsuits are causing healthcare costs to rise in America . . . it's equivalent of buggy and horse days. . .
  24. . . . this administration has stood in the way of common sense solutions that would reduce costs. . . blocked you from the right to have less expensive drugs from Canada . . . Medicare belongs to you . . .
  25. . . . he has no record on reforming of health care . . . no record of leadership . . .
  26. . . . I have passed 56 individual bills . . . the President's wrong. . .
  27. . . . my healthcare plan America, is very simple . . . if it's good enough for us, it's good enough for every American . . .
  28. . . . it's not fair to quote leading news organizations, well, nevermind - let me quote the Blah blah report . . .

I'm bored. One is building castles in the sky while the other is trying to convince us he's not stupid.

And it's all for naught, because George W. is going to win. He could write "I wanna' be Prezident" in his own feces on the wall behind him, during this debate and he would still win.

I'm going to watch Star Trek.

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