April 12, 2004

Manic Monday

Good morning.

I have a confession to make. I'm not thrilled that Monday is here, but it's probably not why you think. It's not because Monday is the first day of the work week. It is because at midnight Sunday was finished and so was the most lovely Sunday I've ever spent with someone.

I had the most wonderful time with Jon this weekend. We went on a historical walking tour of the lower Eastside that explored the neighborhoods a lot of Jewish immigrants moved to and lived in at the turn of the century. It was wonderful. Very educational.

Due to the proximity of this neighborhood to Chinatown, it didn't take much convincing on Jon's part to get me to have lunch at Doyer's Vietnam, just about the best and cheapest place to get Vietnamese food in the city. I ordered the absolutely wonderful Lemon Grass Chicken, while Jon ordered the Setai Shrimp (spelling?). The generous portions were served family style and we dined ferociously as we were ravenous having skipped breakfast. Did I mention the to-die-for wontons we ate as appetizers and the hot banana served on a banana leaf with hot tapioca pudding? From beginning to end the meal was memorable.

After that, meandering up Broadway, checking out the shops in Soho and then a restful ride back to my apartment where we competed at Scrabble.

I don't know what it was about yesterday, but for some reason it was just better than any other day I've had in quite some time.

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