June 06, 2008

Just One More Thing

I saw the nutritionist yesterday for the first time in three months. I haven't lost too much weight since we've come back from our vacation in Costa Rica but I haven't gained any weight at all. My glass is half full!!!

But here is the news that I wanted to share with you.

When I first saw the nutritionist in October my BMI was 32.5 and I was holding 43.9% body fat. Yesterday my BMI was 27.3 and my body fat is 36.1%. Normal body fat percentage for my height is between 23 and 33%. I'm almost there.

I've lost 31 pounds total.

The reason I haven't lost much since our vacation is I haven't been following my diet as closely as I should. Plain and simple. No excuses.

When I follow the plan I lose weight. So, I'm back to counting my food and being diligent about when I'm putting into my body. I have a four pound weight goal for the next four weeks.

1 comment:

Howie said...

congratulations on your weight loss. you look great.