November 05, 2006

Ladies and Jellyspoons

When I was very little, I memorized the following from a jokebook for children.
Ladies and Jellyspoons

I come before you to stand behind you
To tell you something I know nothing about.
Since next Thursday will be good Friday
We will have a father's meeting for mothers only.

Wear your best clothes if you don't have any
And please don't come if you can be there
Admission is free, please pay at the door
Have a seat on me, please sit on the floor

No matter where you managed to sit
The man in the balcony will certainly spit

I thank you for kind un attention
And now to present to you

(fanfare added as adult for embellishment)

The Four Corners of the Round Table


Anonymous said...

I am 36 yrs. old. When I was in the third grade I learned a poem that I was not supposed to. I have been searching the internet for it and have found many versions, but none so far, including yours is exactly correct.


Lady without a spoon

Bella Strega said...

I am also 36...and Ladies and Jellyspoons was in my "A Lizard to Start With" reading book for school...and that poem has remained stuck in my head ever since. I've opened presentations with "Ladies and Jellyspoons" and all those in my age bracket crack up laughing...because we ALL know the poem!